Sunday, July 1, 2007

Meme--Four Things

RevDr Kate tagged me on this meme so I would blog. Thanks to those who have been encouraging me. I want to, I'm just "blog challenged" in a variety of ways which I will explain more about as I post (I promise!) For now, I am going to play this meme.

Four Jobs I've Had: Veterinary Technician, Medical Office Manager, Student Loan Program Rep, Community Support Worker
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over: Shawshank Redemption, Crimson Tide, Remember the Titians, Transamerica
Four Places I've Lived: waaaaaay up north, The Big City, A Faceless Burb, A Rural Small City
Four Places I've Vacationed: Canada, Badlands, thats all, I'm a homebody
Four of my Favorite Dishes: Norwegian Potato Dumplings, lefse, ice cream, salmon fillets grilled on cedar planks
Four Sites I Visit Daily: I don't....therin lies the blogging problem
Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now: In the hot tub, tubing the Apple River, visiting friends, on vacation

I'm not going to tag anyone, as I don't really have "blog pals" yet, but I'm hoping anyone who wants to will play and tell me so i can get to know you better.


Jan said...

Hey, I'm glad you're back! I've been checking every day, in that I'm new on the blogging circuit, and finally you wrote. Thank you. Go to mind if you want to read about me. . . .I like your foods and movies, especially. When "Remember the Titans" came on last night, I realized that I could watch it over and over--which my husband was doing, while I went to bed!

RevDrKate said...

Nice play, Birdele. Let's hear more from you. Gald to help with the tech stuff anytime!