Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A Little More About Me

Thanks to those who are encouraging me to post. I find posting difficult on two fronts. First of all, I am badly tech impaired. But most of all, it's difficult because of my traumatic brain injury (TBI). While I can think what I want to say, trying to actually put it in written word is extremely challenging. My biggest fear is that I sound stupid. This happens in my daily life too, and it has made me a much quieter person than I used to be. The injury itself happened a long time ago, but the cumulative effects of aging and an autoimmune disorder have really ramped up the impact over the last several years. But I intend to keep trying on both the spoken and written fronts.

1 comment:

Jan said...

You've touched me with your comments and so I feel connected with you. Please keep writing. You do not sound stupid! Thank you for honestly sharing about yourself. And I do mean that we could be connected through email. Go to my profile page and you'll find my email address.