Wednesday, July 4, 2007

And More Yet....

Your Dominant Intelligence is Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

You are naturally athletic and coordinated, good at making your mind and body work together.
Sports are fun and easy for you, especially those requiring good hand - eye coordination.
There's also a good chance you're a great dancer, or good at expressing yourself through body language.
You learn best by doing, and you feel like you've always got to be moving (even if it's just your hands).

You would make a good athlete, physical education teaches, dancer, actor, firefighter, or artisan.

Boy talk about wrong! I answered the questions honestly. What happened! But I guess maybe it does show that I haven't exactly embraced my physical disabilities and lack of mobility. Hmmmm......


Jan said...

Your inner self revealed!

Jan said...

Thank you for putting me down as a blog you enjoy! What a compliment!

Jan said...

Birdele, it's time to post again! I miss you!

Jan said...

Birdele, I decided to come here again, on the off chance that you'd have written again. Nope. But you can see my new picture!