Sunday, July 29, 2007

Buster has arrived

Lots of excitement in my neighborhood. My neighbor, whom I shall call George, has a mental illness and has been decompensating for many weeks. I tried several times to unsuccessfully get his care team involved. Things came to a head this week when he allegedly shot at the Catholic church across the street. The police had been called and wanted my friend and I to evacuate down to the corner. I explained that George had a cat and that I had promised to take care of it should he be hospitalized again. So as soon as I saw that the police had him in cuffs, I hurried over to ask him for keys to his apartment so I could rescue poor Buster. That didn't work out very well since George was very upset. I called his care-team to advise them of the situation and asked for their assistance. They were grateful for the information but offered nothing that was helpful regarding Buster. So I was on my own. Since I know the people at the management company, I gave them a call. They knew that George occasionally had difficulties so I was able to talk them into giving me keys to get into the apartment. Unfortunately they didn't work since George, in his delusional state, had changed every single lock to his apartment. Once I informed the company of this they advised me to try getting in through the basement which had a door to the outside. No luck here either. I could indeed get in the basement but not into George's apartment. It was then that I discovered that Buster had been locked in the basement, sans food, water and the necessary accouterments. There was a small hole in the wall which accessed a crawl space and as soon as Buster heard anyone at the basement door he would escape into this crawl space. Poor guy was very traumatized and scared so he wasn't about to let anyone near him. Came back with food and water and retired to my house to make a plan. Thank goodness for my live-trap. It took few days but I did indeed finally catch him. With help from a friend, since I can't do steps he finally arrived safely to my back porch. I am allowing him time to get used to his new abode before I start introducing my tribe of felines to him. And so it goes, God has once again dropped a needy little creature into my lap for me to take care of.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

And More Yet....

Your Dominant Intelligence is Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

You are naturally athletic and coordinated, good at making your mind and body work together.
Sports are fun and easy for you, especially those requiring good hand - eye coordination.
There's also a good chance you're a great dancer, or good at expressing yourself through body language.
You learn best by doing, and you feel like you've always got to be moving (even if it's just your hands).

You would make a good athlete, physical education teaches, dancer, actor, firefighter, or artisan.

Boy talk about wrong! I answered the questions honestly. What happened! But I guess maybe it does show that I haven't exactly embraced my physical disabilities and lack of mobility. Hmmmm......

A Little More About Me

Thanks to those who are encouraging me to post. I find posting difficult on two fronts. First of all, I am badly tech impaired. But most of all, it's difficult because of my traumatic brain injury (TBI). While I can think what I want to say, trying to actually put it in written word is extremely challenging. My biggest fear is that I sound stupid. This happens in my daily life too, and it has made me a much quieter person than I used to be. The injury itself happened a long time ago, but the cumulative effects of aging and an autoimmune disorder have really ramped up the impact over the last several years. But I intend to keep trying on both the spoken and written fronts.

This is the newest cat to find me. They seem to do that. My friend who was visiting from out of town heard him hollering and called me out to the neighbor's parking area. You could tell by his cries how panicked and distressed he was. So we started searching and found him up underneath the car perched on the spare tire, all filthy and covered with oil. It looked like maybe he had actually ridden from somewhere else! He was so scared that he ran up into the engine where at first we could not get him out. But with some help from the car's owner, we were able to grab him from there and get him safely in the house. On inspection, he turns out to have one blue eye and one green eye, rare enough, and to have mitten feet, or technically to be polydactal! He settled in, ate like a longshoreman and drank a ton of water! We let him rest a day and today he had a bath. Turns out he really is a white cat! An "odd-eyed" white to be exact. Some of them are deaf, but we're not sure yet about the Rabbi Motor Pennzoil. We are steeling our hearts. We have enough and beyond in the cat department. So we are marketing.....anyone need a very special gift from God today? He needs someone.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Meme--Four Things

RevDr Kate tagged me on this meme so I would blog. Thanks to those who have been encouraging me. I want to, I'm just "blog challenged" in a variety of ways which I will explain more about as I post (I promise!) For now, I am going to play this meme.

Four Jobs I've Had: Veterinary Technician, Medical Office Manager, Student Loan Program Rep, Community Support Worker
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over: Shawshank Redemption, Crimson Tide, Remember the Titians, Transamerica
Four Places I've Lived: waaaaaay up north, The Big City, A Faceless Burb, A Rural Small City
Four Places I've Vacationed: Canada, Badlands, thats all, I'm a homebody
Four of my Favorite Dishes: Norwegian Potato Dumplings, lefse, ice cream, salmon fillets grilled on cedar planks
Four Sites I Visit Daily: I don't....therin lies the blogging problem
Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now: In the hot tub, tubing the Apple River, visiting friends, on vacation

I'm not going to tag anyone, as I don't really have "blog pals" yet, but I'm hoping anyone who wants to will play and tell me so i can get to know you better.

Friday, June 15, 2007

The New Blog, First Post

Getting started is the hardest thing. My friend has a blog and I think it's cool. She's having a lot of fun with hers and she said she would show me how to put one up, so I thought, what the heck. But now that I have it together, she tells me I have to write in it and I have no idea what to say! So instead I'll show you a picture of Nick. Nick is the lover of light. Anytime light moves, Nick is moving after it. He has figured out that the refrigerator door reflects the sun in the morning and he actually waits for it to be opened so he can see it and chase it. So of course I oblige and open the door for him. Oh yeah, I bought him a prism or two. I"ve got my eye on a solar powered one that spins. He'd like that!