Friday, June 15, 2007

The New Blog, First Post

Getting started is the hardest thing. My friend has a blog and I think it's cool. She's having a lot of fun with hers and she said she would show me how to put one up, so I thought, what the heck. But now that I have it together, she tells me I have to write in it and I have no idea what to say! So instead I'll show you a picture of Nick. Nick is the lover of light. Anytime light moves, Nick is moving after it. He has figured out that the refrigerator door reflects the sun in the morning and he actually waits for it to be opened so he can see it and chase it. So of course I oblige and open the door for him. Oh yeah, I bought him a prism or two. I"ve got my eye on a solar powered one that spins. He'd like that!